

Build a web site for CEA-Group S. A., a group in agriculture domain. Site build with the Wordpress CMS.


Design and develop a mobile application (flutter) to help people to manage their money input and output about. They can define a saving plan and get tips.


Design and develop mobile application (android java) to help people (Ivory Coast) to publish and find house opportunities from thier mobile phone.


Sample flutter project that help to record species from mobile device and store them into NoSql database (Firebase).


With a mobile application develop with kotlin, reimplement the Star application usign their open-data.

Kanban Board

Design and develop our own Kanban board web application during lab session of JaxRs, Angular. All stored in a sql database.

Crossword game

Design and develop a cross-word game using JavaFX and a Mysql database in an academic project.


Design and develop a basic editor in JavaFX with implementation of some design pattern like: Observer, Command, Mememnto...